College Affordability Plan 

Over the past several years students have benefitted from using “OnToCollege” SAT prep by John Baylor to increase SAT scores and better prepare for college. Being prepared and accepted for college is clearly important. Making college affordable is equally important. In a special one-night only presentation for R-B families, John Baylor of OnToCollege presents the OTC College Affordability Plan for all. 

A two- or four-year college degree is transformative, but it also should be affordable. R-B students can become college graduates with minimal debt. John Baylor will explain exactly how your family can ensure this outcome for your student. Although the information is directed toward students in the eleventh grade, all students and parents are encouraged to participate. 

If you have a question during the presentation, there are two ways to ask. 1. Sign into youtube with a google account or 2. Send an email to penright@rbchs.com. We will try to answer your questions during the presentation.

Items that John will cover include:

  • How important is the SAT score?

  • The formula for how to make college affordable.

  • Applying for college

  • What is a gap year?

  • What are college alternatives?

  • How to negotiate with colleges.

  • What does applying for college look like during COVID?

Please join us on Monday, November 1 from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM for a webinar to hear more about making college affordable. To log on, please click on the following youtube link: 


For more information on college and post secondary planning, please reach out to the R-B Student Services department -  Ms. Canavan (last names A-Ki and special education) kcanavan@rbchs.com or Ms. Botts (last names Kj-Z) rbotts@rbchs.com.

Additional information on college planning can be found on the R-B Student Services Department website.


The R-B Student Services Department