Board Meeting

Good Afternoon:

The Board of Education meeting scheduled for tonight, August 19th, 2020 @ 7:30pm will take place in the Richmond-Burton CHS Cafeteria, instead of the District Administration Center. 

This will allow for the maximum number of people to attend under the Illinois Department of Public Health guidelines. Those guidelines cap attendance in one public meeting place to 50 people, including Board members and school administrators. In addition, under IDPH guidelines all visitors are required to wear a mask while in the school. 

All those wishing to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting will be allowed to do so. Comments are limited to 3 minutes under Board policy in order to allow everyone who wishes to speak to have an opportunity. 

The meeting can also be viewed live at by clicking on the following link: 

Live Stream of BOE Meeting August 19, 2020 @ 7:30 pm


Dr. Tom Lind

Superintendent of Schools