May 18, 2020
Good afternoon R-B!
I hope all is well and you are healthy. Textbook Drop off will take place over the next two weeks. Directions, dates and times are as follows:
Please enter the school from the Tryon Grove entrance. The parking lot will be coned. Cars will be directed to the Main Entrance. Please do not get out of your cars. Books will be dropped off curbside at the Main Entrance.
Seniors drop off - May 20 from 12 PM to 3:30 PM
Juniors drop off - May 26 and 27 from 12 PM to 3:30 PM
Sophomores drop off - May 26 and 27 from 12 PM to 3:30 PM
Freshman drop off - May 26 and 27 from 12 PM to 3:30 PM
We will also give you any personal locker items that were left in the building.
Stay safe! Finish strong! Remember, you are smarter than you think and stronger than you feel.